@tirrasae​ replied to your chat “BOOKISH-ASKS”

Here you go!  40, 35, 2, 20 from Bookish-asks.

OK.  *cracks knuckles*  Here we go.  ^_^

40. Has there ever been a book you wish you could un-read?

Oh yeah.  Quite a few, actually.  I’m not going to name names, but there have been so many times where I read a book and LOVED IT and then picked up the second book in the series and was SO disappointed.  I wish I could unread every one of those disappointing sequels, because a lot of the time they ruined the original book for me.  😦

35. What do you think of Ebooks?

I’m honestly conflicted about them.  They’re so convenient (if you don’t think I love having MY ENTIRE LIBRARY OF BOOKS AT THE TIPS OF MY FINGERS WHEREVER I GO, OMG, THEN YOU DON’T KNOW ME VERY WELL), and I love that when my eyes are tired I can enlarge the print, and I love how much less space an ebook takes up, but at the same time… I love the feel of a book in my hands.  I love it so much.  (I mean… shoot.  I DO BOOKBINDING AS A HOBBY.)  But since I got my tablet, I’ve been reading fewer and fewer paper books, and I’m desperately scared that paper books will disappear someday.  And I don’t want that.  So… yeah.  Conflicted.  Definitely conflicted.  *nodnod*

2. Describe the last scene you read in as few words as possible. No character names or title.

*coughs*  Well… mostly I’ve been reading fanfic this week.  So we’ll go with that, OK?  ^_~

Two married teachers are VERY happy to see one another and begin flirting and employing their favorite seduction techniques on each other only to be interrupted by their students who are hungry for lunch and won’t take “please wait while we make out” for an answer.  ^_~

20. A character you like but you really, really shouldn’t.

Oh gosh.  Every unrepentantly evil character I’ve ever liked?  I’m not sure I can pin any one down in particular, but there have been quite a few.  -.-;;;

Thanks for playing!  ^_^  Anyone else want to play?  ^_^  I’ll take asks for this one or the headcanon meme.  ^_^

Wow, that’s an impressive amount of snow. And yes, the drifting can make it far worse depending on how your house is oriented. I’m glad everyone is safe and sound!

Seriously! Although, I really can’t complain I guess. Since it’s almost February and this is the first real snow we’ve had this season. There was just a part of me that was holding out for not having any, you know? ^_~

answered your question
“*peeks* *tiny wave* hello?”

Hello Renee! This is Melissa! I just joined tumblr after finding a link you sent me ages ago on Facebook to your account here. Hope you’re feeling better than when you posted this!


I’m not really much better 😛 – I’m ready to drop-kick my throat, my lungs, and a few students out a window – but hopefully soon?  Either way, I have an appointment with an ENT on Monday.  So, here’s hoping?  -.-;;;

How have you been?