*grumblegrumble*  I went to go make a WordPress to backup my tumblr and SOMEONE IS ALREADY USING MY USERNAME.  AND IT ISN’T ME.  D:  WHAT DO??

(No, seriously.  You have no idea how long it took me to pick out this username to begin with.  What am I supposed to do now?  *sadface*)

(…it’s bad that I’m actually considering upgrading to a paid WordPress JUST so I can snag eirenical.net and avoid the whole problem, isn’t it?  -.-;;;)

Bahorel and Prouvaire for the ship meme?:D (canon era?)



Canon era, huh?  Oh gosh.  I never feel quite smart enough to talk about them in canon era, because I feel like there are so many Romantic things that I don’t know about?  BUT I WILL GIVE IT A GO.  ^_^

  • How do much do I ship it?: Never heard of it/ Notp / Dislike / used to ship / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / IS IT CANON YET?
  • What non sexual activities do they like to do together?

I imagine they see a lot of theatre.  And visit all the best salons in Paris – not necessarily the most fashionable, but the ones with the best wine, the best company, and the crowd most likely to explode into poetry or revolutionary fervor (and depending on the mind-altering substance of the night, that could really go either way).

  • Who does chores around the house?

Bahorel.  Prouvaire has a bit of trouble pulling his head out of the ether and into practical pursuits.  ^_^

  • Who’s the better cook?

…neither.  Fortunately, Bahorel knows all the best places to go in Paris including all the best places to get yourself fed without risking poisoning yourself or burning your rooms down.  (…don’t ask.  Really.  The curtains haven’t smelled the same since.  O_o;;;)

  • Who’s the funniest drunk?

Probably Prouvaire, but not because he’s actually funny.  Prouvaire normally is a bit maudlin and leans heavily towards the Romantic, but Prouvaire drunk is… maudlin about the most innocuous things; things that are decidedly UN-Romantic.  For example, he’ll wax poetic for hours about dandelion fluff and how it resembles a kitten’s tail, and treat the topic with the seriousness devoted to talk of death.  Bahorel finds it adorable and refuses to let anyone tease him for it.

  • Do they have kids?

Well… if we’re in CANON…  TT^TT


Then, YES.  They absolutely have kids.  And grandkids.  And great-grandkids.  They adopt so many orphans and Bahorel, especially, never seems to have fewer than two hanging off him at any given time.  Their home is warm and cozy and filled with light and laughter… and skulls.  And other very bizarre things that it’s really best not to ask Papa Prouvaire about.  Ever.  …because he WILL answer you.  And you probably don’t want to know.  O_o;;;

  • Do they have any traditions?

Prouvaire’s birthday celebration is always held in a graveyard.  He once idly commented that he feels closest to life when among the dead and Bahorel brought him there for a picnic on his birthday one year and the tradition stuck.

  • What do they fight about?

Mostly inconsequential things, like what color curtains to purchase and what to eat for dinner.  When it comes to the big things they tend to be pretty well in sync.  But they both have hot tempers and will explode at a moment’s notice when it’s called for – though Prouvaire has a much longer fuse and it takes longer to set him off.  They both cool off as quickly as they explode, though, so they’ve usually cleared the air within an hour of whatever started the fight to begin with.

  • What would they do if they found their paring tag on tumblr? (If they have one)

Oh gosh.  Assuming such a thing were possible in 19th century France, they would have a BLAST.  They’d make a secret ship blog and contribute SO MANY HEADCANONS AND SO MUCH FIC AND PHOTOSETS AND EVERYTHING THEY COULD.  They’d think it was hilarious.  XD

  • Who cried at the end of Marley and me?

Oh, really.  Like that’s even a question?  Both of them.

  • Who always wins at Mario kart?

Generally speaking, Bahorel, because Prouvaire just isn’t that competitive normally? But every now and then, Prouvaire gets this light in his eye and it is ON.  And when that happens?  Pfft.  Bahorel doesn’t stand a chance!  ;D

  • One thing I like about this ship?

I like how on the surface they’re polar opposites, but at the core they have so much in common.  I love how those opposites make them such a good and supportive pairing.  I think they’d take very good care of each other and deal really well with each other’s eccentricities.  ^_^

  • One thing I don’t like about the ship?


  • The song I would say fits them?

…oh I’m terrible at those kinds of questions.  I honestly have no idea.  O_o;;;

  • Another headcanon about the paring? (Free space)

Since I still have that whole prompt of headcanon to write for you, I’m going to wait on this one (also I have to run if I’m going to make it to yoga on time.)  So, to be continued…?  ^_^

…You say you haven’t read enough about Romantics, but  the idea of them spamming their own tag,often with wildly contradictory headcanons, is absolutely the French Romantics ~~Experience. That is EXACTLY what they would do. I am facepalming at how much it’s what they would do. GAD.  

*laughs*  IT JUST SEEMED SO THEM.  I’m glad I wasn’t off the mark!  ;D


Been a while, hasn’t it? But I was missing it, so I thought I’d get a textblock ready. More to come later!

ETA: And now we have the completed text block, and the cover!  Now I
just need the cover to dry so I can put them together and put in the end
pages.  ^_^

How to backup your blog if you are actually worried


  • Go to wordpress.com
  • Create a new website. Choose whatever category you think fits your blog best and whatever theme you like. You can just choose the free plan unless you want a custom domain for whatever reason. 
  • Click Settings on the sidebar. 

Then click import at the top of the page and go to “Other Importers”


From the list that appears, choose “Tumblr”


You should be asked to log in. Once you do, all your blogs will appear in a list. 


Simply click “Import this blog” and every single one of your posts, including all of their tags, will be imported into wordpress. It will take a very very long time but it should work. You will now have a wordpress website that contains an exact copy of your blog. I would recommend changing it to “Private” in the main settings if you don’t want people thinking that it is active, because at least I know I won’t actually leave tumblr unless it really does shut down, which I don’t think will happen.

Been a while, hasn’t it? But I was missing it, so I thought I’d get a textblock ready. More to come later!


“America has one wizarding school.” JKR, please. America spans nine time zones and we can’t even agree on whether there should be sugar in tea or what we should call those beverages made from carbonated flavored water.