you have made repeated mention of Obi-Wan doing an insane swan dive through Bothawui’s orbit in a fighter. is this in one of the clone wars episodes because i cannot remember it and cannot find it.


Nope, this is pre-Clone Wars RE canon, but after the start of the war. I’ve never written the scene out specifically, but:

There’s a blockade around Bothawui–like, full true coverage blockade of the planet, not that weird singular location like in TPM. (OMG SPACE, GEORGE, A PLANET HAS MORE THAN ONE ENTRANCE AND EXIT POINT WTF–I mean uhm, sorry. *cough*)

There’s a two day engagement where they cannot break through this fucking blockade–they can barely make a dent in it. Everything they throw at it, from gunship to star destroyer, is being repelled.

Anakin gets this *fabulous* idea that if the big stuff is all getting nailed, he can put on an EVA suit with enough fuel to get him through the blockade. Gravity will take care of the rest of his descent because of his proximity to the planet. He’s tiny, weaponless, low tech–the droids will ignore him.

(When asked how he would handle the burn of re-entry, Anakin shrugs and says it can’t be worse than Tatooine in the middle of the afternoon.)

Anakin leaves before Obi-Wan finds out. Obi-Wan discovers what his Padawan is doing, drops everything and bolts for a fighter, because no, no, and also no, Anakin, NO. Flies out and covers Anakin’s descent by basically being the bigger shiny object that the droids are all now concentrating their fire on.

And that’s how Obi-Wan Kenobi did something that Anakin Skywalker had NOT been able to do–fly a fighter through that damned blockade–earning the respect of the entirety of 7th Sky because HOLY SHIT.

That’s also the story of how Obi-Wan discovered that he now really, really, REALLY fucking hates to fly. (That fighter had to be scrapped post flight, mostly because it was so torn up from getting through the blockade that Obi-Wan promptly crashed it.)

It’s also the day that the 501st decided Skywalker was theirs forever, because someone had to make sure that crazy little shit stayed alive, because HOLY FUCKING SHIT.

It also marks the very last occasion when the droid army kept their control stations separate from their main concentration of troops, because being de-powered mid-conflict was an embarrassing way to lose a battle. *Again.*

And now you all know the story of the first Battle of Bothawuii.